We understand the importance of recycling and reusing products wherever possible plus the importance of reducing our consumption of all products, and have systems in place to encourage good practice. We believe we can play a major role in helping our clients move towards sustainability and will encourage good environmental practice through the design and implementation of fit-out and refurbishment projects we present.
Health & Safety
Mathrubhoomi Infrastructure P Ltd, we are totally committed to providing safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work related injury and ill health. This commitment extends to our clients, employees, business partners, associates, supply chain and all those who may be affected by the Company’s activities.
Mathrubhoomi Infrastructure will
- Maintain total commitment to Health, Safety and Welfare through Board Level Sponsorship: We will review, discuss and strategize H&S Issues at Monthly Board Meetings and allocate a Board Director responsible for H&S to each Project.
- Create safe working environments and systems & processes on each Project, irrespective of size or composition, with adequate and suitable resources and expertise.
- Eliminate foreseeable hazards and implement appropriate control measures to reduce the risk to health and safety by implementing the H&S systems on every Project.
- Provide information, instruction, training and supervision to all employees. Consult with our Employees and Supply Chain to enable all viewpoints to be discussed and represented.
- Promptly investigate accidents, incidents and near misses.
- Prevent injury and ill health by complying with applicable legal requirements, best practice and other requirements relating to occupational health and safety. Measure, monitor and revise our health and safety arrangements to continually improve health and safety within our organisation.
- Promote mental health awareness amongst all staff and site operatives. Commit to providing the necessary training and awareness to support our employees and the employees of subcontractors.
All Directors, managers and supervisors have the responsibility for implementing this Health & Safety Policy within their respective businesses and teams. All Employees and Supply Chain are required to cooperate in preventing harm to themselves and others.
We ensure that Health & Safety issues are considered as the highest business priorities and we are committed to continual improvement of the Health & Safety Management System.
Our supply chain is required to ensure all of their operatives are competent based on experience and qualifications and are able to present evidence when they are inducted onto our sites. Any operatives without the correct competencies will not be permitted to carry out their work.
Pursuit of our objectives is achieved through the framework set by the Company’s Health & Safety System.
The Board will review this policy annually to ensure that it remains relevant and appropriate to our operations.
Mathrubhoomi Infrastructure recognise that we have a responsibility to do what we can to make sure we do not contribute to further destruction of our environment. We want to lead by example and to make us known for environmental best practice; so we are continually working towards minimising our environmental impact.
We operate an Environmental System, recognise the need for sustainable development and aim to improve the environmental effect of our activities.
To achieve our aims we will establish sound environmental management by:
- Ensuring that, as a minimum requirement, we conduct our operations in full compliance with applicable legal requirements and with other requirements to which we subscribe which relate to our environmental aspects and to prevent any pollution of the environment.
- Seeking to continually improve our environmental performance, by developing objectives that target environmental improvements and to monitor performance by regular review
- Considering any environmental issues as part of our normal decision making process
- Involving our employees in the development and operation of our environmental system, and objectives
- Developing a relationship with suppliers and contractors and encourage them to manage their environmental impacts more effectively
- Reviewing this Environmental Policy at least annually, or when there are any significant changes either to our operations or to environmental legislation.
Our immediate environmental objectives are:
- To increase the amount of waste from site that is recycled
- To avoid pollution on site by suitable monitoring of and controls on subcontractors
This policy will be made available to all interested parties on request.